Lapp Connecto Finland is now ISO 14001 certified - what does it mean for us?

As of 3.11.2021, Lapp Connecto Finland is ISO 14001 certified. Read what it means to us now and in the future.
- According to the certified environmental system, I know that environmental issues are widely taken into account in all our operations. Above all, it is also a tool which helps us keep our focus on continuous operational development. Many processes have already been put in place in our company to ensure that this development continues. When the whole organization knows that we are working towards more sustainable development, it boosts every ones work, says Jyri Kontio, Managing Director of Lapp Connecto.
- Sustainable development creates safer and more comfortable work environments, taking into account the surrounding nature. For us, this is part of our strategy which also focuses on sustainable development, Jyri concludes.