Manufacture of cable sets and wiring systems

Lapp Connecto develops its operations and network continuously. Our designs are always created in collaboration with the customer. Lapp Connecto is a company that grows with its customers and their needs. We excel in change management and flexibility is our default mode of operation.
Our manufacture of cable sets and wiring systems is based on superb design expertise, in-depth knowledge of components and our ability to gain maximum leverage from our production technology. Lapp Connecto is an expert producer of cable sets for massive utility vehicles and elevators as well as advanced miniature wiring systems for the electronics industry, and more.
Our service includes automatic cutting, crimping and marking of cables and wires with modern tools. The quality of the end product is always verified as specified by the customer. We can also deliver wiring systems as part of a larger delivery. Some examples of such deliveries are various control centres or other electrical assemblies or devices.
Our own production plants are located in Hyvinkää and Vieremä in Finland and Grudziądz in Poland. As our customer you also get the full power of the whole LA EMEA ÖLFLEX Connect Opeartions Cluster wire and harnessing and electric cabinet manufacturing in 5 locations. Contact our sales for more info.
Wiring systems and cable sets manufacturing by LAPP - All Rights Reserved©

Key Account Manager
Saku Mitrunen
p. +358 20 764 8388
m. +358 40 552 6123

Key Account Manager
Pasi Vesterinen
p. +358 20 764 7408
m. +358 40 630 5010

Key Account Manager
Antti Rajalahti
p. +358 20 764 6030
m. +358 50 337 6683

Key Account Manager
Ari Reinikainen
p. +358 20 764 7421
m. +358 400 167 647