Blog: Do you control the supply chain or does it control you?

Do you control the supply chain or does it control you?
Supply chains compete with each other, not just individual companies. In several textbooks that I studied in due time, the focus was on the competitiveness of an individual company and its creation. Another textbook example was a cluster, which itself created an operating environment and drove many companies forward.
Working in various international subcontracting environments for about 25 years, I believe that the factor which boosts competitiveness, is the management of the supply chain that you belong to.
The first wave answers the call for you
We are the first wave supplier. The company leading the entire chain, hands over a large part of the management, of the individual supply chain to us. This single supply chain may involve dozens of different suppliers from all over the world. If we don't take responsibility for our task, the entire supply chain below will collapse. The first wave partner must have the ability, and the will, to take the responsibility for you.
Predictability first
A well-functioning supply chain is as transparent as possible, and everyone understands their purpose. Therefore, a good supply chain is predictable. A good supply chain includes trust, and discourse which develops the supply chain furhter. This does not happen by itself. It requires people, who know how to develop and manage supply chains.
A common direction guarantees success
The in-depth understanding of quality and logistic requirements does not end within our own organization. The companies which deliver to us, must also be included in the scope. The key word here is cooperation.
A common direction and open transparency, guarantee that the entire supply chain understands the entity.
Keep your antennas high
Continuous development and responsibility are the genetic map of a forward aspiring company. Responsibility also means that, as a supplier, we keep our ears and eyes open for all new requirements, and we take them forward in the supply chain. Make sure your partner is a proactive expert, who wants to keep the antennas high.
Master, don't divide
A supply chain that functions as part of a larger entity, can feel like slippery soap every now and then.
If you want to give responsibility for your supply chain to an accomplished company, and you want to focus on your core competence, then choose a reliable partner. This way you control your supply chain, and it does not control you.
With this we'd be happy to talk about our solutions for your business, please contact our sales team or me for more details!
The author is Jyri Kontio, Managing Director of Lapp Connecto. Network with Jyri @ LinkedIn Jyri Kontio
Find the blog post also in Finnish, Blog: Hallitsetko sinä alihankintaketjua, vai se sinua?