A look into the future - Our path to strategy 2027

Strategy 2027: We achieve our goals together!
Why does a company need a strategy? The answer to this is obvious, because only with a clear corporate strategy can goals be defined and achieved. But the much more important question that companies should ask themselves is: Do my employees need to be involved in this strategy – and if so, why?
A corporate strategy sets the direction for the journey in the coming years – the common goal towards which all employees are working and which is to be achieved together. For this, it is also essential to communicate the strategy, but also to explain the way to get there. Corporate strategies usually include in their entirety all measures that are to ensure medium and long-term success.
How is a strategy developed?
First of all, a vision is needed: What goals are to be achieved? Then it is necessary to describe a realistic procedure to be able to achieve these goals. This forms the basis for the operational concept of concrete implementation.
How is a strategy implemented?
A strategy helps to break down an overarching goal into sub-goals and milestones. These can be distributed to departments and divisions so that it becomes clear which tasks fall under which responsibilities until the overall goal is achieved. From this, decisions or actions can be derived, from departments to heads to individual employees.
How is the strategy communicated?
In order to achieve the strategy goals, all employees must be extensively informed. Only those who know where the journey is going can successfully follow the path. For this, it is necessary to clearly formulate the strategy goals and background and to communicate them in a comprehensible way. The background of a strategy, the planning up to the individual implementation steps should be comprehensible for everyone. A few clear guiding principles that provide orientation can help.
However, strategy communication does not end with a circular email and a few catchwords. To ensure that the entire staff is on board, intranet articles, workshops, Q&A sessions or other formats that enable direct dialogue between employees and management are helpful. Different communication impulses with repetitive information create a broad and deep understanding. And understanding creates acceptance. This is also the goal of the third LAPP Learn Challenge, which deals with the different aspects of a corporate strategy – and basically also with the new LAPP Strategy 2027.
LAPP actively involves employees in strategy implementation
With its Strategy 2027, LAPP has presented a new strategy for the coming years in this financial year: The signs are set for growth, customer focus and the expansion of further business areas. The motto “Reliably connecting the world” applies more strongly than ever and the principle of “Customer First” is also moving even further into focus. Even the company’s founder Oskar Lapp placed the needs of his customers at the centre of his entrepreneurial activities, and all innovations were born from this. With its Strategy 2027, LAPP is sharpening these principles in order to remain a reliable partner in connection technology for its customers in the future. To achieve this, LAPP is becoming an organisation that thinks even more strongly in terms of its customers. The OneLAPP culture is a success factor for this. Every employee at LAPP is part of the LAPP family, there is a culture of trust and cooperation. That is why the third LAPP Learn Challenge revolves around Strategy 2027, so that all members of the OneLAPP family stand together behind the achievement of the strategy goals and pull in the same direction.
“The key to the success of Strategy 2027 and thus also for LAPP are our employees,” says Matthias Lapp, Managing Director of U.I. Lapp GmbH as well as CEO for LA EMEA: “Through the thematic focus of the third LAPP LearnChallenge, we want to encourage everyone to think and act in terms of Strategy 2027 and to reach the goal together, in the ONE LAPP thought.”
LAPP Learn Challenge: Strategy 2027
The aim of the 3rd LAPP Learn Challenge is to involve all employees of the LAPP Group in the details of the new LAPP corporate strategy. In addition to the essential strategy elements, milestones and implementation plans, the importance and derivation of corporate strategies will also be communicated. The employees are sensitised and encouraged to think and act in terms of the Strategy 2027.
Through learning and thinking impulses, incentives are to be created to contribute to the implementation and success themselves and to promote the participation of each individual.
Personal learning impulses through the virtual and social formats support the culture of lifelong learning and trust at LAPP.
For more information please contact our Managing Director Jyri Kontio, phone +358 20 764 6010, jyri.kontio@lapp.com.